From original drawings to pixels
How Amano’s fantastic illustrations were adapted into the games?
At the early stage of game development, Yoshitaka Amano was invited to the studio. As a person who knew little about digital technology, Amano asked such basic questions as “What’s a pixel?” “How come only certain colors can be shown on the Famicom?” After the educational shock at the studio, Amano believed that his illustrations must be adaptable to the Famicom—to be able to display well in pixels.
This change was a surprise to the game developer Sakaguchi Hironobu, who said:“You should work as there is no rule, just continue to draw like always, we value your imagination. We want the gamers to be impressed by the posters, covers, and booklet illustrations designed by you, which will be the foundation for a fantasy journey.”
Sakaguchi Hironobu’s words made Amano feel assured. Over the 15 years, he got used to his drawings being adapted and simplified. For instance, in the first episode of Final Fantasy series, the monster designs Amano provided were only black-and-white, which were able to be put into color by game developers.
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